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Drug Rehabs in North Dakota

The State of North Dakota has a regional and local system in place to deal with substance abuse related to alcohol and drug addiction. In a report compiled by the North Dakota State Epidemiological Outcomes Workgroup (2012), alcohol use and abuse is the greatest substance related problem that faces the state. This issue is the focus of many of the state's substance abuse initiatives. North Dakota's percentage of binge alcohol use among people aged 12-20 was higher than the national percentage (2012-2013), and young adults in the state ranked 2nd in the nation for binge alcohol use in the past month alone. The state has undertaken surveys and assessments to gauge the public perception of the problems associated with drinking alcohol, and to assess effective counter measures. To help combat the abuse, twenty-six communities were recently granted funds to implement evidence-based substance abuse prevention strategies targeting underage drinking and/or adult binge drinking.

Illicit drug use arrests have also increased by 13.8%. In the past decade, 87% of drug arrests were for possession and about two-thirds (69%) of drug arrests involved marijuana. According to the Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS), marijuana was the most commonly abused drug for which people sought treatment in North Dakota during 2011. An average of 1 in 6 high school students reported using marijuana in the past 30 days of the survey. Methamphetamine also remains an area of concern in North Dakota, though meth lab incidents have been drastically reduced by the efforts of local and state law enforcement. Prescription drug abuse has gained where meth use has dropped and is now the third most abused drug among high school students in the state.

North Dakota realizes that one of the most challenging things an abuser of alcohol or drugs can face is first realizing that a problem exists, then getting the right kind of treatment conducive to a successful recovery. Some treatment programs made available may be considered short-term such, e.g. detoxification centers, and can last up to 30 days. These types of programs work to stabilize the client and prepare them for further addiction rehabilitation treatment. Other services are more long-term and residentially based. They focus on the complete needs of the individual, addressing any underlying issues that lead to the substance abuse in order to make a full recovery.

A person seeking assistance may have other questions related to the success rates of a particular program or facility, or the potential costs associated with treatment. The amount one pays for services may be covered by federal or state programs, or be part of a sliding scale based upon financial means. The cost will depend upon the financial situation of the client using the service and should not hinder anyone from seeking treatment. No resident is denied access to services in North Dakota for an inability to pay.

In the State of North Dakota, to assist residents in overcoming their addiction problems there are a number of methods available which can be used to find and receive help. The state operates a Department of Human Services that covers eight regions and various social programs, including treatment for drug and alcohol abuse. The agency links to the federal government's website for substance abuse services. Residents can start at the website by typing their specific address in and receiving a list of local services available nearby with their contact information. These local services fall under the state's eight regional human service centers, where residents can also find similar information on the specific facilities and local services available, along with the costs associated on a sliding fee scale.

The North Dakota Department of Human Services also includes updated reports on both providers and their level of care on the state website. These services range from outpatient type services to intensive residential facilities, and are listed for both adolescent and adult. Local facilities are further compiled into an updated report for all regions of the state. Of special note, the state lists updated DUI providers and seminar programs to deal with the ongoing problem of alcohol abuse throughout North Dakota.

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